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Senator John James Akpan-Udoedehe, the immediate past minister of state for Federal Capital Territory (FCT) is worried over the feud between former governor of his state, Akwa Ibom, Obong Victor Attah and his successor, Godswill Akpabio. Speaking with John-Abba Ogbodo in Abuja, he provides interesting insights to the background to the disagreement.


Is it true that the people of Uyo (capital of Akwa Ibom State) gave a mandate to speak on their behalf on the feud between former governor Attah and the incumbent, Godswill Akpabio?

I will say that they are wrong there and knowing the politics of this country, I will describe them as quislings in the sense that they ought to stand for the public interest, whether you are making money from the government or not. It is only in Akwa Ibom that you have people who call themselves leaders standing against the will of the people; standing against what democracy is all about. They would rather service their interest becoming sycophants at this point in time. Evidently, it is quite clear that if Victor Attah shows up at any function where Governor Akpabio is, it will be a big embarrassment to the governor because the ovation for Attah will be so much that the governor will not be able to stand it. That shows that the people of Akwa Ibom are not accepting what they are saying against us. You can also take a look at the group talking against us and you will know why they are saying what they are saying. Let me tell you that something happened in the state recently where some marked money was given to some kidnappers and the police allegedly arrested some people with the money, who are attacking us.

You were with Akpabio at some point, what led to this parting of ways?

I did not know much about him but my relationship with him was a very short one. I came in contact with him when he was a commissioner and I was convinced by Umana Okon Umana, the current secretary to the Government who was commissioner for finance who was then a good friend of mine and he was so close to Attah. He was convincing me then that he would be a better person than the other governorship candidate. We had a lot of agreements and one of the fears that bothered us was power transfer; of how we would deal with anything that has to do with the Ibibios and the structure of Ibibios. From day one, after his swearing in, he started deviating from the agreement that we entered into. You hear him talking about “the Ibibios are this, they are that.” Those are his cronies who are neck deep in what the governor is doing. Not because he loves the Ibibios. The secretary to the government is very close to the governor and has been causing confusion. The governor seems to believe what he says and that is the problem. That is how the relationship is being severed. He deprives us the opportunity of going close to the governor and offering him proper advice.

There was a caucus meeting we used to have. Umanah contested for the secretary of the committee but I said no and chose a different candidate who is a brother to the governor. He did it everything to scuttle it but I felt that the other candidate who is close to the governor would be in a better position to advise him. So, since then every effort to hold the meeting and advise the governor has been frustrated. That was the end of that. The problem is Akpabio’s manipulative nature. The people who are seeing him everyday, telling him stories about everybody. They have done a lot of damage. They try to destroy every other prominent person in Akwa Ibom by manipulating things around him. My own case was manipulated as they try to lie against me before the president to remove me as minister because they believe that being a minister, I will have advantage to run against him and I have never had such intention. It did not take two months when they started this and the governor seemed to believe everything they said because of fear of opposition. That is the issue.

You were the chairman of the governor’s campaign organization during the 2007 election. Why have you and the former governor not explored other means of getting in touch with Governor Akpabio to resolve these issues?

It is easier to see the President of Nigeria than to see this governor. Commissioners run after him to sign files even in Abuja. I don’t like running people down. You are talking about access, as a minister, it would take me a whole lot to see my governor. They are using the Machiavellian style and continue to talk about 48 laws of power forgetting that everybody that has used this theory has ended up disastrously. In leadership training all over the world, you may be shown Hitler and Mandela and you will be asked to choose the one you like to emulate and you make up your mind. This is exactly what is happening. We did not know a lot about some of these people and this thing is unveiling. When I was the campaign chairman I managed a lot of information and I was quite na�ve about so many things.

Some people have also raised the issue of the open letter to the governor by his predecessor instead of getting in touch with him in person over the matters he raised…

Democracy is about free speech. Whether Attah was right or wrong, he has a right to say his mind on any issue. If you go by the content of the letter, not one of the issues raised has been addressed. What did the letter say? They have been trying to have a meeting with the governor on several occasions; they have written him so many letters without any reply. For the sake of records, Attah is a leader. If he speaks whether you like it or not, over 70% of the people will listen to him. He sets agenda. Even before he became a governor, he was a consultant of repute and he did the master plan of Uyo and having been a governor in the state, he understands the terrain very well. And Attah was talking to him as a commissioner who served in his administration. That is the point being made. There was no access to the governor and Attah had to do the letter.

It is incumbent on me to stand on the side of the people. It gives opportunity to make an apology as somebody who was part of the making of Akpabio as governor. It also gives an opportunity to apologize to my people. I have an option to become a sycophant and make money for myself and that would be incredible on my part; to be hungry at this stage and abandon the path of truth. We are concerned about the unbelievable poverty in Akwa Ibom. I stand fully on the principle of democracy and free speech, on the action taken by former governor Attah. The governor did not handle it well because there is no good adviser around him. He should have shown respect to his predecessor.

The security situation in the state, what is it like now?

That is the main area where I have some disagreement with the governor. Some people have gone to the extent of trying to kidnap my mother. There are some boys in Akwa Ibom who call themselves the twelve disciples. These are cultists. These boys have taken politics to the highest level of violence. Six armed men went to kidnap my mother. Gracious Lord that I worship helped my mother. She had an appointment for 7 am, and she left home about 6 am to meet up the appointment. These boys went there by 6.30am. If we don’t speak out, who will do it on behalf of the people of Akwa Ibom that some things are going wrong?

I met the governor and I told him this. I spoke to the commissioner of police in the state several times and he kept telling me to come up with information. What he needs is for us to start mentioning names. I have given some clues. We are lacking the kind of instrument in the Western part of the world. The only person who has money is the governor and he can tell these people to be on his side. The governor has collected over N294bn from May 2007 to April 2009 from the federation account, not to talk of even IGR. The police are on the street of Uyo and the kidnappers have not stopped. What kind of deception is that?

It was alleged that the 2011 project has torn you and the governor apart, what is your reaction?

My career has all been politics in my life. One of things we do in politics is that we get mandate from the people and go back for renewal of mandate. When I promised Akpabio that I will support him for eight years, I did so with all sense of responsibility that he will do well in terms of good governance but understand that the eight years is not in our constitution that somebody must complete. It depends on the performance and the disposition of the electorate. We only give such promise to give the office holder hope if you do well, you will go for eight years. I did not endorse him for eight years to cause disharmony in Akwa Ibom and intimidate people.

The mere fact that the governor swore to an oath to safeguard lives and property shows that he must live to that promise but he has failed. If the governor is doing well, nobody will talk about running for the position. Where you do not rule well, you give us the opportunity to think of running because we believe that you are not doing well. That is democracy and there is nothing wrong with it. When we gave power to the minority in the state with love, we did it with the hope and belief that the young man is bringing in generational change. We did it in Akwa Ibom before America did it.

We did it based on love and understanding that there will be peace. There are so many ethnic groupings in the state today, which should not be the case. The essence of proliferation of these groups is to weaken some perceived political opponents. It is not that I don’t love Anang. I stood with Etiebet for many years when people left him. Today, I am standing with Attah on principle. I am humble because God has raised me. God has kept me for the role I am playing today. I am not disturbed by false campaign against me so that I can be intimidated out of this struggle for truth and justice. They even said that I am angry because of the issue of street naming. That is again, very funny. I have climbed to this political height in Uyo capital. I deserve a street named after me but that is not the issue. I don’t even bother about it. It is part of the agenda to attack anybody that is coming up, which does not worry me.

What is the way forward?

The way forward is very simple: Tolerance is a major ingredient in democracy. There is a record to show that the governor has not demonstrated tolerance. This must stop in our polity. Government must not be perceived as a personal property. People who speak out on certain issues they think are not being handled well should not be regarded as enemies. The only antidote is to work well. We are talking about the problem of unemployment, disharmony among the people, the kidnapping and the fear enveloping the state. These are issues begging for attention and should be addressed.


The problem is Akpabio’s manipulative nature. The people who are seeing him everyday, telling him stories about everybody. They have done a lot of damage. They try to destroy every other prominent person in Akwa Ibom by manipulating things around him.

Elder Enefiok Ekefre's Interview

Elder Enefiok Ekefre is one politician known for his articulation and boldness. He is the founding chapter chairman of PDP in Uyo Local Government; he is an expert in criminology and security studies; a political activist that crusades for social justice. The unassuming democrat opened up recently in this interview with our reporter, Franklyn Isong, on Senator Udoedehe's governorship ambition; Akwa Ibom politics; 2011 and the crisis rocking the PDP in Akwa Ibom State. Excerpts:

Sir, we just woke-up recently to here the news of Senator John James Akpan Udoedehe's governorship ambition and his declaration?
It was ok; Udoedehe has the requisite qualification to govern the state well. So far, I think he is the first person to declare for the governorship race in the state.

Do you see him having the chance to emerge the governor of the state in 2011?
It is possible; politics is all about contest and horse-trading. That is why he is talking to people and we are also talking on his behalf.

Are you saying that, with what the present governor is doing in the state and in the PDP, senator Udoedehe can still defeat him in the PDP primaries?
What has the governor achieved?

How will Udoedehe survive structures like: AKPF, ADV, GSM and many others that are within PDP and are working for the governor's re-election in 2011 through the party's ticket?
AKPF is a private organisation. It is not part of PDP, am a member of the PDP, John (Udoedehe) is a founding member of PDP, the Governor was elected by PDP and not AKPF or ADV or GSM.

But, how do you see his chances in PDP?
Politics is all about interest, a lot of people have been maligned and marginalized by this government for a very long time; it is not building up political structure in the state for 2011 that matters. The basic thing is the success of each government to provide for the welfare of its citizens. Are the citizens of this state happy? What about security, night light in Uyo? What about the suffering of women at the close of market in the evening? If you are in this town you will see a lot of women trekking 10 miles, 5 miles back home from market at the risk of arm-robbers and sometimes under the rain. Are they not supposed to be protected by the government they voted for? John (Udoedehe) told everybody that he is coming to correct these injustices and wrong doings of this government.

What are his manifestos?
Our party (PDP) manifestos is very clear stated, in a party policy in which I am well conversant with, you don't have a personal manifesto, you implement the PDP manifesto. So far, what is going on now in the state is not the PDP manifesto, because I can say with good authority that I know the constitution of our party (PDP) inside out. PDP manifesto is clearly stated that Governor doesn't have a personal manifesto. In a party politics, you are only elected to implement the PDP policy, so Udoedehe will only work with the party's programmes and policies.

It is alleged that because governor Godswill Akpabio did not support the senator to buy off Oku Iboku Paper mill, that is why he is coming up to contest against him?
It is not true. I have not heard of that.

What is your take on the news making the rounds that Governor Akpabio nominated Senator Udoedehe for the ministerial appointment in order to compensate him?
It was not a privilege but a right, John (Udoedehe) was the first person who campaigned for the governor; a man that was your campaign manager, in fact, he (Udoedehe) was the one who ran the governor's election; he talked to people and influenced them to vote for him in 2007. In this arrangement, the man who campaigned for you and nominated you to become the governor of the state has a right to any political appointment. Again, it is a constitutional right that qualified citizens from Akwa Ibom State should be nominated to be a minister. So, the case of John's (Udoedehe) nomination was purely a constitutional matter.

Senator Udoedehe is from the Ibibio ethnic group, while Governor Akpabio is from the Annang ethnic group, is the governorship battle in the state in 2011 going to be between the two ethnic nationalities?
Politics from time is all about interest go to the Bible and find out, the bible says 'one with God is majority'. It is not an ethnic battle because the Senator has supporters across the state. They are the people who want him to contest for the governorship seat in 2011. I wish you were there when he accepted to run for the seat, you would have seen the joy that flowed in the faces of the people of Ikot Ekpene Senatorial district who were in his house that day.

Ex-governor Attah was there for 8 years and he is from Ibibio and Uyo senatorial district, don't you think it is the turn of Annang and Ikot Ekpene Senatorial district to stay for the period of 8 years?
Constitutionally zoning is undemocratic. You must allow the political space to be opened for everybody irrespective of ethnic tribes and geopolitical zone. Zoning throw up people who can't perform; people with little experience; people who are greedy into the system. As a democrat, I have always kicked against zoning in politics, let the Annang man, the Oro man, the Eket man and the Ibibio man test their popularity with electorate in the field; let everybody have the right to contest. Let the masses decided who they want.

Don't you think that it will be proper to allow governor Akpabio 8 years tenure, so that he can complete his projects and especially seeing his performance?
What has he done in the first term given to him, to call for a second term?

How about his road construction projects, free education policy etc?
They are all the social contracts; they are always in the constitution, it is not an innovation that a state governor gives his citizens free education. You must educate your citizens; must fix the roads; must renovate schools, they all always contain in the state budget which are usually passed by the State House of Assembly, so they are laws that must be implemented by whoever is the state governor.
The news making the rounds is that your party, the PDP is in crises in the State?
Basically politics is always about factions and crisis management, so what's wrong about that. The national executive has confirmed that Akwa Ibom State is one of the 6 States that are in crisis. So the crisis will be resolved in Abuja, our party's headquarters.

Are you saying that there is Abuja front in PDP?
Prince Vincent Ogbulafor, the national chairman of PDP is the only Abuja front I know, because he lives in Abuja.

What are his qualification and experience to govern the state?
Of course, he is very qualified; he has been a council chairman, a senator, a minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. He has enough experience and academically he is well armed.

The Uyo people in company of the council chairman, while in a solidarity visit to governor Akpabio said that Senator Udoedehe cannot speak for them, what is your take on that?
Constitutional it is illegal for traditional fathers to play politics, so it was wrong for the paramount ruler of Uyo or clan heads who have no right to talk about politics to be in such group, but I know that they were being influenced.

Now that his people have disowned him, does he stand any chance in his bid?
The people of Uyo are confused; they don't know what they are doing, the other time they said that John (Udoedehe) does not have what it takes to speak on their behalf, but the question I always ask them is that: who is more qualified to speak for the people of Uyo? A man that was a council chairman of Uyo local government area (a premier LGA); a man who was a Senator representing 9 LGA; a man who was minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. So, those who say that have no public standing to make such remarks on Udoedehe. Take note that Udoedehe is not contesting the governorship of Uyo but Akwa Ibom State.

Recently, Uyo people have accused senator Udoedehe of not empowering any Uyo person; they also accused him of being greedy and stingy, what is your reaction to that?
It is not true; let me say on good authority that he has been of tremendous assistance to a lot of them economically and politically, for example, such beneficiary is Elder Ntiedo Inyang-mme, the founding State secretary of PDP was assisted by Udoedehe to secure electricity contract at John's village; Hon. Maurice Edet, when Udoedehe was the local government chairman of Uyo, he (Udoedehe) made him to handle the sanitation levy at the motor park, and he was also appointed into the board of the Federal Polytechnic Oko, he was also assisted by John (Udoedehe) to be appointed the vice chairman Uyo local government caretaker committee and also a chairman of Uyo local government council.
Another character is Hon. Essien Nkanga, was made the chairman Uyo local government. What about Emmanuel Andy who is currently handling NDDC contracts under the auspices of John (udoedehe)'s political connections in the country? Chris Udofia is an open story how he became the chairman of Uyo local government. Udoedehe has given several scholarships to his villagers; he constructed school block at Afaha Offot in Uyo; he bought the first car for Hon. Felix Uboh whom he also made a vice chairman of Uyo local government council. Hon. Perry Ntuk's appointment into the State Executive of Obong Victor Atah's government was sponsored by Senator Udoedehe, when he was a serving senator. The present commissioner that failed a councilorship election in his ward was sponsored by Senator Udoedehe into (Chief) Godswill Akpabio's administration, Samuel Efanga go and ask him.
Dr. Chris Ekong was nominated by Udoedehe to (governor) Akpabio for appointment as commissioner at the inception of this government; Hon. Ime Ebong and Cyril Iyak have also benefitted from Senator Udoedehe's contracts and financial supports. He gave Mr. John Etukudo and one Ikemba from Oku clan contracts as part of empowerment programmes; he influenced Hon. Effiom's appointment into Uyo local government and later appointed him as his personal assistant. Udoedehe empowered Mr. Oku, Hon. Thomas and Tendency all of them hail from Ettoi clan; he built and donated ante-natal clinic fully equipped to the University of Uyo Teaching Hospital and named it after Dr. Ann Ward without any fanfare but to the glory of God. Hon. Emmanuel Hogan's appointment into Uyo local government as a supervisor was Udoedehe; Ekere Afia's election into the State House was funded single-handedly and influenced by Senator Udoedehe with his hard-earned money. Mr. Sammy Iffiok's appointment as the personal assistant to the Nigeria Ambassador to Italy, Hon. Etim Okpoyo, was sponsored by John Udoedehe and during his tenure as the Uyo local government chairman, he created 150 jobs to the people of Uyo through various projects in the area, these was away to empower his people. He did the electrification project of Ibesikpo clan during his tenure in the local government just within 3 months after many years of darkness in the area. So, Senator John Akpan Udoedehe is not stingy and is not greedy as he has empowered a lot of people that come across his way irrespective of tribe and religion. But, one thing I want to stress here is that he is not a father charistmas so when he empowers you in any form, it is left for you to utilize it as a licence to move forward, you don't have to misuse it. Let me add that Hon. Aniedi Ndem, when I was the chapter chairman of PDP in Uyo, sponsored one Okon to be a councillor in ward 11 against Patrick Umoren, he came and pleaded with me that the guy should be allowed to go to the council, but me and Senator Udoedehe said no! That the guy should rather go to the House of Assembly instead; he did not have a dime but we called the people of Uyo and told them to support him. So, Udoedehe is instrumental to the empowerment of all the characters who are talking against him today. Right now, he is a private person, why I am saying all these is because, I was there when he (Udoedehe) started as the chairman of Uyo local government, and I was part of that history; when he was a senator, I was also directly part of that history, so I am in good position to discuss Udoedehe as an issue and as am talking to you now, no other person today in Uyo has been able to achieve what Udoedehe has achieved so far. If he has not been a down-to-earth person; a grass-rooter, he would not have been elected into all these positions, starting from chairman to senator a feat that has not been achieved by any other person in Uyo till today. I think after Udoedehe's senatorial election history was opened, how many of them can actually aspire to reach such height in politics? Can't they aspire to be something else? Anytime Udoedehe aspires for something, people will come up to blackmail him. They are not saying these things because they don't know the capability of Udoedehe, but because of jealousy and because they can not make it. Senator John James Akpan Udoedehe is electable.

But, the people of Eket senatorial district have asked the people of Uyo to wait that the governorship seat will move to them from Ikot Ekpene senatorial district?
They are not conversant with politics, in politics you don't wait; you aspire and work hard for what you want.
In politics you have to first of all aspire, then you declared you ambition to the people of your party and then you work hard to win the nomination of your party before you stand the election as your party candidate these are the processes. Senator Udoedehe has started the process; so far Udoedehe is the first person in the state that has been able to come out to tell the monster, that he will challenge his tenureship in the Government House. For your information, the constitution of Nigeria says that the tenure of a governor is 4 years and not 8 years, that is why every 4 years a sitting governor will have to go back to renew his tenureship with the people who gave him the mandate.